Wise Wisdom from wormSpore Harold

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  • Here you may find the wisest of sayings from the great and holy hermit.

    “Mirrors aren’t black, then we wouldn’t be able to see out of them.” wormSpore Harold on the subject of Wormspore communication to other dimensions.

    "Your program will be pulverized and burned in holy fire.” wormSpore Harold threatening the Zucc’s grand plan know as Facebook.

    “I don’t know no damn wisdom."-wormSpore Harold on why he’s sick of your shit

    “Just because he’s glowing green doesn’t mean he’s irradiated”-wormSpore Harold on the skin of the wormspores.

    “I am also know as Big B, Poodle Ben, and Uncle Harold.” -wormSpore Harold on his many titles known throughout the Hectorverse

    “Just imagine Perry the Platypus with a big butt, that’s our universe. Mmmm Perry the Platypus.”-wormSpore Harold on the subject of the nature of his universe

    “If a Kiwi bird eats a Kiwi fruit is it cannibalism?”-wormSpore Harold on the nature of life, existence, and the end reality.

    “Toland got nothing on my sparkly ass.” Wormspore Harold on on my Toland the Shattered is trash tier philosopher.

    “Tis 5 o’clock somewhere.” wormSpore Harold getting his party on.

    “Who knew poison was dangerous.”-wormSpore Harold

    “Nazis, Yahtzees”-wormSpore Harold

    “If you drink enough chocolate milk your bones will turn brown.”-wormSpore Harold

    “We will devour their souls to power our mighty armada”-wormSpore Harold

    “You’re a skinny Nicolas Cage.” -wormSpore Harold

    “If you mess with mirrors too much they will fight back”-wormSpore Harold

    “Great and Mighty Owl, we have a multitude of holy sustenances for you.” -wormSpore Harold on Altoids for Eli

    "Bend over for Papa Spore!" -wormSpore Harold

    "I think it's time to label one of my M1 Garands 'Astrologers'." -wormSpore Harold

    "I could have an abundance of kittens or an abundance of cocaine." -Eli on the topic of abundance (not wormSpore Harold but it was said in his presence)

    "Aliens acquired." -wormSpore Harold

    "You will see many aliens in your future." -wormSpore Harold on the abundance of aliens in Eli's future

    "Only the juiciest for Spore" -wormSpore Harold

    "Succulent." -wormSpore Harold on Tetris

    "How did them wizards fit their afros under those hoods?"-wormSpore Harold on wizard hoods

    "He’s so gay he’s straight, but he’s actually gay, right?" -Eli having been inspired by wormSpore Harold's presence

    "MMMMmm that’s flavour town - I’ll tell you what" -wormSpore Harold