The Book of Hector

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    Here reside the different prophecies sent to us by the great Hector Phatts.

    The Revelation of: Thursday

    "You will have abundance in whatever you are lacking abundance in." -Adrian from the current astrology website being trolled by Eli
    "I could have an abundance of kittens or an abundance of cocaine." -Eli
    What do they mean by abundance? Time to purge astrology. The Hector Sector hereby declares astrology one the vilest forms of heresy. wormSpore Harold has labeled one of his numerous M1 Garands "Astrologers".
    It's Thursday. Get hecc'd nizzle.

    The Third Coming

    This prophecy has been prophesied to be prophesied which will reveal when Hector will come again

    The Gray Prophecy

    This prophecy predicts the final arrival of Hector and will be introduced prior by all images of Hector turning gray "The Gray Prophecy? More like the gay prophecy" - Ben ==========================================================================

    Chapter 1

    The first coming of The Great Hector Once, I didn't feel like doing my math journal question, so I googled it. This is What I found was a health textbs the best decision I had ever made. The first result was a health textbook (link to the textbook) and the first thing visible in this textbook was the face of the amazing Hector. I knew that I had to tell others, so I did. This was the first coming of Hector

    Chapter 2

    The first leaving of The Great Hector One day after Hector came, he left, leaving all of us to believe he wouldn't appear ever again, outside of random conversations, but we were wrong. ==============================================================================

    Our Holy Mission

    Join us, brothers and sisters, for our Holy Conquest across Canada (which is a realm full of Vectors and possibly does not exist) to take the Yukon Territory and cleanse it of Vectors. We shall take these Holy Lands and rename it as the earthly manifestation of The Hector Sector